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8个品牌桶装水细菌超标上黑榜 Bacterial in eight brands bottled water exceed the standard
发布时间:2014-09-03     文章浏览:4887
Release time:2014-09-03     Times of browsing:4887


       北京市食品药品监督管理局今日公示19种不合格食品,其中"怡宝"、"娃哈哈"等8个品牌的18.9升桶装水,被检出霉菌、酵母及菌落总数超标等问题,对不合格食品在流通领域采取停止销售措施,消费者可凭购物票和食品外包装退货。 (央视记者余静英) (详细名单可见附件图片,可下载查阅















Bacterial in eight brands bottled water exceed the standard

Today Beijing Food and Drug Administration public nineteen substandard food products, including "Yibao", "WAHAHA" and other eight brands 18.9L bottled water which inspected the mold, yeast and the total number of colonies of them exceed the standard. Forbiding substandard food products entering into the market, customers can return them according to the shopping receipt and food packaging.  (CCTV Jingying Yu)   (The list see attached, can download for looking)